Posted Aug 9 2018 in #MeToo, Brock Turner, excuses, headlines, journalists, media, rape, victim-blaming
Dear Journalists and Editors, I get it. It’s a numbers game. You need clicks, you need eyeballs, you need traffic to stay alive in this perpetual news-cycle society we created with our smartphones and social networks. I sympathize. But I’m pissed off about something. I’m mad at ABC News for this: […]
Read More...Posted Jun 9 2016 in 20 minutes of action, Brock Turner, rape, Rape Culture, Stanford
A few months back, the internet was in a twist over the so-called Affluenza Teen, whose Mommy took him out of the country to avoid prosecution… The past week, the internet has had a collective melt-down as news of the Stanford rapist’s sentence went viral. As well it should. Arm-chair quarterbacking has always found its […]
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