Are you a member of a book club? If so, I’ve got Discussion Guides you can download for each of my books.
I’m also happy to join your meetings via Skype or conference call and if you’re close to Long Island, maybe even in person!
Are you a teacher or librarian? I’d LOVE to talk to your students about internet issues like bullying and over-sharing personal information, victim-blaming and the #MeToo movement, the writing and publishing process, or even my obsession with chocolate. *laughs* Contact me at pattyblount3 at gmail dot com. If we can’t swing a personal visit, we can try a Skype session.
Writing As Art:
Patty traveled from New York to speak at my high school’s Spark Week,
a week to celebrate writers and artists. She presented to 300-400
students about the writing process, sharing examples from her own
writing experience. She even brought print resources and buttons to
hand out to all the students. She was very approachable, and the kids
really enjoyed her talk.– Dustin Zubert, Grayslake North High School English teacher
I proudly gave the common read lecture at this beautiful university in Aberdeen. Here’s what they had to say:
“Patty is just lovely! It was a pleasure to work with her. Her presentation was excellent last evening. Everyone including the faculty and staff, students, and donors enjoyed talking with Patty.” ~Kristi Bockorny, PhD, Associate Professor of Management & Director of the Honors Program
Teen Voice — all ages. In this one-hour presentation, I compare and contrast character voices for the writer interested in developing a compelling teen character with an emphasis on developing the male voice.
To help you discuss my books, download the discussion guides.
I’m happy to deliver your event’s keynote address. Contact me through the Contact form.
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