Bullying and Internet Safety Resources

As adults – as parents, educators, mentors, it’s our job to educate kids on the power of the technology they treat as a toy.  On this page, I’m collecting a list of links to various resources that relate to the themes in my novels – blogs of first-hand accounts of bullying terror, news stories that describe in detail what happens to kids who engage in bullying behavior, and where you can go for help – if you’re bullied, are the parent of a bullied child, or even a bully who’s ready to stop hurting people. If you have a link to share (please make sure it addresses an issue in my novels), please email me at pattyblount3 at gmail dot com.  Let this be our wake-up call.

The child you save could be your own.

I’ve recently updated this page to now include links for sexual assault and rape survivors. I believe it’s CRUCIAL for victims of sexually violent crimes to know they’re supported and heard.

DISCLAIMER: Links below do not necessarily imply support of any products sold on linked sites. Please visit multiple sources to fact-check claims made in these resources.

Resource List

NOTE: Please do your own research. The links below can get you started on internet safety, bullying awareness, and cyberbullying statistics but they are just the beginning. I beg you, parent to parent, to know who your children are talking to when they’re online, and how you can best keep them safe. You have to do that legwork yourself. All I can do is get you started. I’ve begun compiling a list of resources to help you, but again, do your own research.

This resource from Drug Rehab USA offers cyberbullying, mental health, and suicide resources as well as the signs parents should look for.

I received this link from Mindie (thank you, Mindie!) about bullying on buses.

Teachers are often the first line of defense to stop bullying at the source: School Bullying Guide for Teachers

Teach kids how to stand UP to bullying instead of stand by. Did you know when bystanders speak for victims, bullying STOPS 57% of the time? Go here for more advice. http://www.standuptobullying.org/ and http://www.stopbullying.gov/respond/be-more-than-a-bystander.

Read the eSafety Guide for Parents and this Cyberbullying post on KidsHealth.

This resource list from Teach.com has information for preventing bullying, tips for helping kids cope with bullying, as well as preventing suicide and self harm.

Suicide Hotlines – if you feel like there’s no one to talk to, call one.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) – New York State law. Could this be a model for the rest of the country?

Ernest the Owl Parent and Teacher Guide to the Internet. This downloadable guide from The Connection is best suited for conversation with young children.

What is Cyberbullying? An Overview for Students, Parents and Teachers (Maryville University Online)  This guide provides examples, links to additional resources, and statistics.

Emergency Internet Safety for Kids. This AlertFind site is written for younger kids, in language they can understand.

Cyberbullying: A Resource for School Social Workers. This 4-part guide for schools can help create safer environments.

This guide also called Internet Safety for Kids comes from the Consumer Notice organization.

51 Critical Cyberbully Statistics is a BroadbandSearch.net list of resources.

Wristband’s Bullying By the Numbers has some handy resource links but do note it ALSO sells silicone wristbands.

This link on Childhood Trauma provides some resources and advice about cognitive behavorial therapy.

This page provides a list of tips on everything from bullying to keeping your computer safe from viruses.

This link to Teaching Teens Online Safety

Here is information specifically for supporting LGBTQ+ teens being bullied.

Parent Alert: Possible Signs Your Child is Being Bullied

Preventing Cyberbullying at Home: A Guide for Parents

What to do if your Child is the Bully

How to Prevent Bullying in the Classroom

101 Ways for Adults to Heal from Childhood Bullying

And this resource from a student named Duncan can help with school bus bullying.

Another resource about Bullying in Schools.

This resource is from a student named Amelia and helps battle cybercriminals.

Here’s a resource from AllConnect to help with online bullying.

This post from Privacy HQ, a digital privacy knowledge base, explains more about cyberbullying.

Here’s a resource for increasing children’s privacy online.

This post explains how to use technology to prevent cyberbullying.

Here’s a resource about Kids’ Mental Health, which also includes the importance of sleep.

This resource from Fingerprint for Success lists the 6 Main Causes of Bullying.

Here’s a handy resource about Cyberbullying from “Katie” — thanks, Katie!

Here’s a great resource from “Eileen,” from her new job as a librarian. It’s about social media safety for families.

These resources all come from Study.com:

This resource speaks directly to children like Julie from SEND, who may be the victims of bullying because they wear glasses.

Verizon’s Parenting in a Digital World sent me this link written by a digital parenting coach to help you protect your kids while they’re online.

Verizon also sent this handy guide for talking to your children about cyberbullying.

Here’s a great resource for protecting your children from their smart phones.

I really like this resource from Cutter Law outlining the link between cyberbullying and social networks.

Here’s a handy Bullying Prevention Guide.

This resource lists 40 Child Safety Tips.

Social Media can be harmful, too. How can you tell? This resource explains “How to Tell if Social Media is Harming Your Mental Health.”

Elijah’s sister, Anna, in THE WAY IT HURTS, has special needs including autism. Here are some autism resources for you:

Adult Bullying

Sadly, sometimes bullying doesn’t stop when you reach a specific age. Bullying can and does happen to adults for all of the same reasons it happens to childen: someone with power tries to intimidate or coerce someone without power. Here are some resources:

Bullying in College is Real So Let’s Destigmatize Being a Victim

This resource is ideal for those who use ride share services. (Thank you, Gabriel!)

Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors

Coming forward to report a rape or sexual assault is often traumatic. Don’t do it alone. If you’ve been raped, I urge you to request the services of a rape crisis counselor who is specially trained to help you through the process.

If you love someone who was sexually assaulted, these resources can help you manage your own emotions so you can provide the support your loved one needs. 

RAINN — Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. Click the link or call them. They operate the National Sexual Assault Hotline and can help you find local resources.

Contact Take Back the Night to learn how you can organize an event.

Learn your rights in New York State.

If you’re a man committed to stopping sexual violence, here’s a useful link. Men’s Anti-Violence Organizations


Ongoing Support

If you or someone you love has survived bullying or sexual assault and are experiencing issues coping, you could be suffering from PTSD. This link is for a PTSD Self-Test. 

Please seek professional help. Your life has value. Your experience has meaning. But your experience is not the sum total of your life. Professional counselors can help you reclaim your life.
